Foot loose...
Jenny and Haden(with no pants) and Liv at the races

...And fancy free. We have been very busy since they last post...hence I have not posted for a long time. We have been to the city and back to the farm and back to the city. Olivia is growing like a weed...she'll soon be 4 months old. My baby is growing up. She smiles and talks like crazy. She really doesn't like to be alone. She will play on the floor but she likes you to play with her and she will jump in her jolly jumper but only if you are there to watch. She is a very social kid. She is playing strange with men right now. She is okay with the Grandpa's and Daddy but other men make her bottom lip come out and quiver...que desperate cry for help and look into mommy's eyes like she is saying "why have you abandonded me to this stranger?" and I guiltily(if that is a proper word) take her back as she grins at me as to say "I WON!!"
Today we went to Swift Current to get a new tire for the tractor and we happened to see the sign for Drag races on our way in to some of our friends happen to be hard core drag racers and so we thought for sure they would be there. Well we ended up having to wait for about an hour so we headed out to the air port where the drag strip is. It was very loud and smelt of burnt rubber and Livie had her first kiss from a boy who was not her grandpa or her daddy...she wasn't too interested in puckering up...and then we headed her back to the farm.
Phew...are you tired yet because we are.
Some time when I am home in stoon I have 3 mos of pictures to post on my pictures link but for now you will have to make due with these.....

Liv playing on the floor at G'ma and G'pa Affleck's
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