Holy HOT!!!!
It has been soooo hot here as of late, I think I might faint from it. Yesterday it was a sweltering 32 degrees by noon!! When we bought our house in November they said no air conditioning and we said...oh no big deal I grew up without it I can handle it. Well I am beginning to think that it might be time to get it. It is 0930 am an it is already 24 degrees!!! It is impossible to get any thing done outside. Just make sure you all remind me of this complaining blog when it is minus 40 this winter and I am freezing cold!!!
Well it will soon be convention time and we are looking forward to that...I just hope it isn't this hot out. We are hoping to go a few day early and visit some friends up at Nipawin. TTFN
Our New Cousin....
This is the official Welcome Wagon!! We have a new baby in the family!!! Wyatt Wesley Wayne Ewing!! He was just over 8 lbs and 19 inches long. We are all sooooo excited to welcome him. Here is a nice pic of the babe!! Isn't he a cute little peanut!!
Well I have to say that I am a little more blonde than I would like to admitt.....this is going to make me sound a little bit stupid but I swear I am not.....I am only now figuring out the finer points of how to use this blog and such (as you can clearly tell from this post when compared to the others) . I know I know.....I have had this blog for over a month or somewhere around there but I am only now figuring out how to make things look nice and proper and in order!!! Some times I am slow....it's just like in March I got a new car and it has a 6 disc changer in it, I couldn't figure out how to change from disc one to disc two and so on!!! I almost phoned the dealer to ask but I thought again and eventually figured it out!! I am slow, what can I say. But I think we all have those moments where there is so much going on that we don't take the time to stop and think and then we feel stupid once we figure it out. Life would be so much more simple to deal with if we just stopped to think about it and even to appreciate it. One more thing....Happy Fathers day....Love you Dad you are the best! My kitchen would be bare with out you!jaWhat did you do for your father???

(Troy, Heather and Jayliegh)
I Have Returned...
to the world of blogging. I took a little time off because I went out to Abbotsford BC to visit my Good Friend Heather and her hubby Troy and their newish little one Jayleigh. We had a great time and lots of laughs!!
Heather and I went to high school together and shared a locker for 3 years. She lived with us when her parents moved to Edmonton and she didn't want to move yet...She is basically like another sister to me.
Anyhow we hung out and did some shopping down in Belligham and Talulip Washington...WOW...what great outlets they have down there!! I was so impressed and, I spent a lot of money!!! It was great fun. Cardio, weights, and retail therapy all rolled into one!!!
We looked like retards when we crossed back over into Canada because we didn't know what we were doing when it came to paying duty and such. I'm sure they rolled their eyes at us after we left. We went for some walks around a beautiful man made lake by her house it is a 2.31km walk with lots of beautiful Cedar trees and 3 or 4 parks for kids. I saw a dead possum... the first possum I have ever seen and I saw mole hills (but no moles).
I had a great time and got to meet little Jayleigh. It is sad to think that next time I see her she will be walking and maybe even talking!!!

New Curtians
Well I went shopping with my mom tonight and I bought a fabulous knife block that goes in your drawer and fits like 15 knives...I also bought some new curtians for the office/spare rm(without a bed)
They are a perfect match and I really like them...now I just need some art and a chair and maybe some base boards and the rm will be done...YEAH!!! I love to finish decortating a room.
I wish you good health and most of all good weather. (No rain)
ps excuse the sideways pic I haven't the time or energy to figure out how to turn it right now...ta