Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Next Stage....

It seems that we are moving on to the next stage in life. We are born and after a few years we go to preschool and then to elementary and to high school. Some of us go on to university and others just go straight to work. Most of us start dating in high school and from there we eventually get married and then come the kids.

That is the stage most of our peers are at. If they aren't currently having kids they have some already or they are thinking about it in the near future. It is strange to me to think that I am old enough to be a mother...ME a mother!!! Who would have ever thought it would be true. I was always the little girl who didn't want to grow up. I would have been content to live at home and go to school the rest of my life. God on the other hand didn't plan things that way and I am greatful for it. Because of all of my life experiences including but not limited to getting my LPN, getting married and having a baby my life is soo much more rich and full. I am thankful for experiences brought in life that help us to grow and mature whether we feel we are ready for them or not. I didn't want to grow up when I was little but I wouldn't change a thing now. I love my little life with all of it's experiencs and up's and down's. I am a richer person for all that I have been through and everyone I have met and the relationships I have cultivated.

Now after that I have an update of Livie....All is well. She is growing soo much. She no longer fits into most of the sleepers she has worn for the last 2 mos. She smiles like crazy and loves to have visits. We had a bad night the other night but for the most part she sleeps 8 hrs a night. She loves her bath and hates the lotion massage after ( she screams like a banchee). I have some new pictures but I don't have the cable to load them onto this computer sooo....you"ll have to wait for pictures.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Cousins and Smiles

Okay so I know I have been neglecting the blog but I have been busy....no really I have.
I have been out at the farm for a while and I just can't get it together to post out there.

Anyway....on Easter weekend Rob, Tracey and Keanan cam out to the farm to visit and meet Olivia. Keanans first words when he saw her were "Oh no" and then he ran away. It took him a while to warm up to here but once he did all was well. He even held her for long enough that we could take a picture. Now for those of you who know Keanan, you will understand how amazing that is. He is a very very busy little man.

Keanan and Olivia
Olivia has been showing us her smile for quite a while now but we have never been able to capture it on camera most of the time it just looked like she was hanging her mouth open but about a wk and a half ago we got the shot. She definately has her mothers smile (note the closed eyes)

She is offically 8 wks old and changing every day. Where has the time gone!!!! Her baby acne has cleared up much to my pleasure and she continues to be the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!!!

Oh...we have her room all set up, she is even sleeping in her crib now (with the baby monitor RIGHT next to her head). I will have to take some pictures of her room and post them but I will save that for next time.
