This past week was spent at the Sask landing. One of our favorite places to go and camp...Kevin's big sister and her family came to visit from Hawaii and his little sister and her family came from Sherwood park and we had a great time. We had all of the necessary elements to make for a fun time...sun, water, beach, boat, wake board and tube, ice cream, hot dogs, hamburgers and all of the other junk food that is a must. Oh and we must not forget the most important element...Family. It was great to spend some time with the Affleck clan. We even had a good friend come and do some pictures (hope you don't mind that I posted them Jen) We had a great time and some good pictures to boot!! Thought I would post a few hope you enjoy them.

We have been very per usual...but we like it that way. Our little Liv is growing soo fast!! She is 5 mos old and full of life and fun. My aunt Judy asked me tonight what I did before I had her. My reply "I had a life". Its very true our life really does revolve around her but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Hope you all survive the heat this week. We plan to stay in the ac whenever possible.
This past week was spent at the Sask landing. One of our favorite places to go and camp...Kevin's big sister and her family came to visit from Hawaii and his little sister and her family came from Sherwood park and we had a great time. We had all of the necessary elements to make for a fun time...sun, water, beach, boat, wake board and tube, ice cream, hot dogs, hamburgers and all of the other junk food that is a must. Oh and we must not forget the most important element...Family. It was great to spend some time with the Affleck clan. We even had a good friend come and do some pictures (hope you don't mind that I posted them Jen) We had a great time and some good pictures to boot!! Thought I would post a few hope you enjoy them.

We have been very per usual...but we like it that way. Our little Liv is growing soo fast!! She is 5 mos old and full of life and fun. My aunt Judy asked me tonight what I did before I had her. My reply "I had a life". Its very true our life really does revolve around her but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Hope you all survive the heat this week. We plan to stay in the ac whenever possible.