Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas 2006

We had a mixing of the families for christmas holiday this year. Lloyd and Heather and Rob, Tracey and Keanan all came and stayed at our place for the holidays. We all went for chinese food on the 24th for mom's birthday and then came back here for cake and presents. On the 25 I worked all day and then we all went over to mom and dads for the big turkey dinner. I was really good!!! On boxing day I worked and then cooked up a storm and made supper for everyone. I thought it turned out pretty good if I can say so myself. All in all it was and excellent holiday season spent with family. We had LOTS of food, fun and laughs and I look forward to next year. Here are a few pics of the occasion

Keanan eating chinese food (he actually has noodles stuck to his face but you can't really see them well in this picture)

Mom and Megan with the b-say cake

Our amazing spread at Mom and Dads

That is all for now hope you all had an enjoyable holiday season!!


Monday, December 18, 2006

Another day another Dr.'s Appointment

So I know it is sad that there is not much else going on in my pathetic little life that I can blog about other than my pregnancy....That being said I went to the Dr. today and I have gained 30lbs!!!!! YIKES!!! and the fetal heart rate was 150 (I think it was the coffee I had for breakfast) all is going well and I go back in two weeks to determine the size and postion of the baby. Its kinda lying oblique if that makes sense with its feet under my ribs on the right side and it's head down by my left hip but a little to the centre. I think it's trying to turn it just hasn't quite got there yet. I will get kevin to take some more pic to post later today. I am now 32 wks--8 mos. The count down is on. Won't be long till I am done work!!! yeah I am getting excited about it. I have to go and pic some paint colours because my mother in law has graciously offered to do some painting for me over the holidays. I'll get her to do the walls and the crib. We have a plain white hand me down from Kevin's sister Renee and I don't really dig the white. Other than the colour there is nothing wrong with the crib so....quick fix=paint.

We had some company this weekend again. Sean and Lynette and Wyatt came back for another visit. We had a great time. Went shopping on Saturday and the boys played some hockey. We coffeed and chatted and had a few good laughs!!! Sunday we were at spc. mtg's and then they left us. Getting more company tonight tho. It is nice to be busy.

I have almost finished my x-mas/ b-day shopping. Just my mom left to buy for. Not sure what I will get her but I can have fun looking!!


Monday, December 11, 2006

The Ewings

We had some surprise company on the weekend!! Kevins cousin Sean and his wife Lynette and their son Wyatt came to stay the night on Saturday!! We had a blast. I haven't seen Wyatt since this summer just a few weeks after he was born. Kevin and I could not believe how much he looks like/acts like Keanan our nephew!! Here are some pics to compare with. The first one is Keanan at about 7mos or so and the following are all of Wyatt!! Even their facial expressions are the same. Both are BIG boys!!

Lynette did this thing with my ring when she was here to see what our baby is and according to the ring this baby is a boy. According to a lot of other things we are having a girl....I am so confused...I really wish that I knew what we are going to have. I finally went out and got some sleepers and onsies and a few other "baby"things. We got a car seat now and this is becoming really real and I won't lie it is kind of freaky to think that in 8 wks or less Kevin and I will be mommy and daddy!! YIKES!!! I can hardly wait!!!

Keanan and Oakley
Lynette and Wyatt
Sean and Wyatt
Well that is it from me for now. I am busy with work this month but I will be done soon enough...only 9 more shifts to go!!!!!


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Nothing is too new here. I went to the Dr. last week and I am doing really well he says. The fetal heart rate was 135 beats/min which messed me up because it had been 150-155 consistently and they say that girls have a higher heart rate than boys and most say it is a fairly acurate way to judge but now the hr is lower and I am confused. Not doing too bad in the wt gain department. If I can only gain 1 lb a week from now on I will be right on target.

I just got shocking phone call. A guy we go to chruch with just died of a massive heart attack when he was at work in Winnipeg. He was only about 50 or so and his oldest son is my age. I am speechless.....Life is so short and you never know when yours will end. Make sure you live each day right so you are ready when it happens. Tell everyone that you love them. I have a lot of work to do on myself before I am ready for death....I guess it won't wait for me if it is my time.
