The Big Blizzard!!!
Wind blowing at 65-70 mph
Snow coming down in a stead heavy down fall
ZERO visiblity in the city and even worse on the highway
Main streets in the city closed because they are not safe to travel on(preston, attridge etc.)
Bridges closed due to 7 car pile ups
Snow drifts 1/2 way up the door on the truck
Cars abandond in the middle of the street
Men cross country skiing across the 25th street bridge
people helping push people out when they were stuck
People helping dogs with snow blindness wandering out in the cold
Idiots trying to pull a Uie through the ditch because they think they are invicible in their 4 wheel drive trucks and getting REALLY stuck
Kevin and I were stupid and ventured out in yesterday's storm. There were cars/trucks/suv's abandoned all over the place( I forgot to take my camera with me when we went out). People coming home from work at like 1 in the afternoon took 2 hr's or more just to get across the river. Everyone was driving with their fourway flashers on because if they didn't you couldn't see the car infront of you. I had like 3 peopel say oh I hope you don't go into labor today!!! Yeah me to accept I hadn't thought of it until you just said it.
Here are a few pics of last night when we got home around 10p.m. I had trouble getting the camera to focus on a few of the shots because of the snow.
Looking from our front step on to Ruth St.
Front step on to Underwood(kevin in the skid steer)
Don't the trees look pretty covered in snow!!
Snow drift in front of our house
The snow piled high infront of our house
Thank you to my husband for all of his handy snow removal!!! We would not have been able to walk out our front door today if he hadn't started to push snow at 1030 last night!! And thank you also for helping my mom get home from work and pulling my dad out of the snow drift he got royally stuck in!!! What a day!!! Today it is -32 degrees celcius and -46 with the wind chill!! Not thinking I am going to go outside too much today. There were two people who froze to death yesterday when their car got stuck in the snow and the decided to try and walk. That was out by Lloydminster at the onion lake reserve. Very sad. Apparently they were found about 200 meters from a house but they couldn't see it because of the zero visibility.
Anyways it seems like another day that is good for nothing but curling up with a good book and maybe even having a warm bath!!!
Hope you enjoy your day.
Wind blowing at 65-70 mph
Snow coming down in a stead heavy down fall
ZERO visiblity in the city and even worse on the highway
Main streets in the city closed because they are not safe to travel on(preston, attridge etc.)
Bridges closed due to 7 car pile ups
Snow drifts 1/2 way up the door on the truck
Cars abandond in the middle of the street
Men cross country skiing across the 25th street bridge
people helping push people out when they were stuck
People helping dogs with snow blindness wandering out in the cold
Idiots trying to pull a Uie through the ditch because they think they are invicible in their 4 wheel drive trucks and getting REALLY stuck
Kevin and I were stupid and ventured out in yesterday's storm. There were cars/trucks/suv's abandoned all over the place( I forgot to take my camera with me when we went out). People coming home from work at like 1 in the afternoon took 2 hr's or more just to get across the river. Everyone was driving with their fourway flashers on because if they didn't you couldn't see the car infront of you. I had like 3 peopel say oh I hope you don't go into labor today!!! Yeah me to accept I hadn't thought of it until you just said it.
Here are a few pics of last night when we got home around 10p.m. I had trouble getting the camera to focus on a few of the shots because of the snow.
Looking from our front step on to Ruth St.

Anyways it seems like another day that is good for nothing but curling up with a good book and maybe even having a warm bath!!!
Hope you enjoy your day.
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