Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Well lets see.....Kevin turned 31 on the 24th. That is right I am married to an old man!! He looks pretty good for his age!!! We had some friends over for supper and my mom and dad. I made an awesome cheese cake for dessert/b'day cake. It had 5 blocks of cream cheese in it so it was very far from healthy or low fat but I have to say it tasted pretty darn good.

Kevin bought me a glider chair for the baby's room. That's right the room is empty except for the chair(see the pic). We don't have a crib or anything but we have the chair. We have the bassinet and swing and stuff but it is all in the basement still. Maybe we should think about moving it up stairs considering the fact that my due date is only about a week and a half away. I will probably go over but all the same I could move it up stairs. My in-laws have graciously insisted that they are going to buy us a new crib and so I am fighting against my feelings of guilt and accepting the gift. Not that I could refuse because they wouldn't let me. I felt kind of silly because it was a surprise for me and we met them in a store by the cribs and such and I was like what's going on and they told me what they planned and I started to cry in the middle of the store. I am just a hormonal pregnant woman...at least that is the excuse I am using.

I also finally got a curtain rod for the curtains that I bought about 3 mos ago for the living room. I got Kevin to hang it for me and what a difference some curtains can make!!! The room seems a bit smaller and a bit warmer and I really like them. But I should like them because I picked them out.

I think I suffered my first really contraction today. Painful but no worse than really really bad cramps and it went away in about 30 seconds. The rest that I have been feeling have been fairly mild in comparison. I really hope this baby comes soon. I am going to a class on breastfeeding tomorrow night. Should be interesting. I figure that they can't teach me too much on the subject.

Just to make sure you all take note I have a new link which will take you to a site that I am posting all of my pictures on as of this new year. Nothing too special but lets you see what is going on in our lives. There are some x-mas pics and b'day and some company we had.

Anyhow that seems to be all I have to update on for now but I will be sure to let you all know when the baby comes. Give or take 2 weeks either way from Feb 10 and we should have a little one. Kevin is starting to get nervous because this is actually going to happen. I just want to get it over with!!



Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Big Blizzard!!!

Wind blowing at 65-70 mph
Snow coming down in a stead heavy down fall
ZERO visiblity in the city and even worse on the highway
Main streets in the city closed because they are not safe to travel on(preston, attridge etc.)
Bridges closed due to 7 car pile ups
Snow drifts 1/2 way up the door on the truck
Cars abandond in the middle of the street
Men cross country skiing across the 25th street bridge
people helping push people out when they were stuck
People helping dogs with snow blindness wandering out in the cold
Idiots trying to pull a Uie through the ditch because they think they are invicible in their 4 wheel drive trucks and getting REALLY stuck

Kevin and I were stupid and ventured out in yesterday's storm. There were cars/trucks/suv's abandoned all over the place( I forgot to take my camera with me when we went out). People coming home from work at like 1 in the afternoon took 2 hr's or more just to get across the river. Everyone was driving with their fourway flashers on because if they didn't you couldn't see the car infront of you. I had like 3 peopel say oh I hope you don't go into labor today!!! Yeah me to accept I hadn't thought of it until you just said it.

Here are a few pics of last night when we got home around 10p.m. I had trouble getting the camera to focus on a few of the shots because of the snow.

Looking from our front step on to Ruth St.
Front step on to Underwood(kevin in the skid steer)
Don't the trees look pretty covered in snow!!
Snow drift in front of our house
The snow piled high infront of our house
Thank you to my husband for all of his handy snow removal!!! We would not have been able to walk out our front door today if he hadn't started to push snow at 1030 last night!! And thank you also for helping my mom get home from work and pulling my dad out of the snow drift he got royally stuck in!!! What a day!!! Today it is -32 degrees celcius and -46 with the wind chill!! Not thinking I am going to go outside too much today. There were two people who froze to death yesterday when their car got stuck in the snow and the decided to try and walk. That was out by Lloydminster at the onion lake reserve. Very sad. Apparently they were found about 200 meters from a house but they couldn't see it because of the zero visibility.

Anyways it seems like another day that is good for nothing but curling up with a good book and maybe even having a warm bath!!!

Hope you enjoy your day.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

34 weeks and 5 days

So I went to the dr. today and had an ultrasound. They tell me that Ichabod is weighing in at 5lbs 6oz and that puts it in the 50th percentile. I really hope that I don't end up with a 10lb baby. The heart rate was 140 and everything looks good. The heart has 4 chambers and is working properly. The bladder was full and the stomach was good. You could see the umbilical artery and the kidney and all of the bones and such. We did not find out the sex because I figured that I have waited this long I can wait another 5 weeks.

Not too much else going on in the Affleck house. I am enjoying my time off so far. Kevin moved the computer and stuff down to the basement so now we can paint the baby's room and get it ready. I took all of the stuff off the walls and I have a few holes to patch and then it is ready to go. Heather (my mil) is coming on monday and we are planning to paint then. It should look good. I don't know if I mentioned it before but I have started to pack for the hospital. Ooohh....forgot to mention that baby's head is down and so chances are good that I will not have to have a c-section which is good but scary too if Ichabod turns out to be a 10 pounder!!! YIKES!!!

(looking and feeling like a whale)

what do you think??? Does it look like a girl or a boy???

Hope all have had a great first week in 2007!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Well 2007 is finally here and we brought it in in style!!! I was in be at 10p.m.! Yup it was a big party!!!

We went to mom and dad's for supper on Sunday and played a few games with the fam. Had a good time. At about 9 o'clock I had had enough and I needed to go home and go to bed. So off we went. I was in by 10 and up by 5:45 the next morning getting ready for my LAST day of work. That is right my maternity leave has officially started!!! I am both excited and nervous about this. Excited to be done and that the baby will soon be here (5 & 1/2 wks to go) and also nervous that the baby will soon be here!! I am just not sure what to expect from this whole giving birth thing. I don't know if the baby will turn in time for a vag delivery or if I will have to have a c-section. I don't really know which I prefer because the thought of both scared me. Millions of women world wide give birth every day and they do just fine....I also will do just fine. I have a month to get this baby's room together. I am going to try to paint it sometime soon. I just have to move a few things out of the way. I also have to sand the crib so that it can be painted and then we should be set.

I packed some stuff for the hospital today. Diapers, wipes, sleepers, onsies, pj's for me, shampoo and other such toiletries. I just have to pack some clothes to come home in, snacks, ipod, socks and I have to find a nursing bra that fits. I looked today and I could not find one that fits properly. Maybe I should just wait until after. I will keep looking and see what else is out there.

Hope you all have a great year ahead....One that is full of love, joy, laughter, happiness and all the good that life has to offer with just a little bit of sadness and hard times to make us appreciate the good that we have.


P. S. Looking forward to posting on ichabod soon!!!